Friday, September 19, 2008

Care package!

Hey Everyone!

I just got my first care package courtesy of my Mom, Tess, Alex, Grandma, Curly, Frank, Maria, and Bennett. It had some much needed allergy medicine, a necklace I had ordered before I left, and lots of messages from home that really touched my heart. I can't really say the care package was a surprise since I had asked my mom to ship me the allergy medicine, but it arrived on day that it was needed.

This week has been a little slow. I've gone to all my classes, into Vegesack, the grocery store.

Tuesday night my friends Alissa and Kate decided to cook dinner for everyone who wanted to come - you just had to bring a bottle of wine. It was very relaxed (might have been because of the wine) and I met a lot of people. It was also at the Blue House where I am moving to next week so I got to meet more people who live there and explore it a little more.

Thursday night three other women and I started a prayer group which will be very nice I think. This is an area of my life that needs some attention and I think it will be good place for exchanging ideas and support.

Classes are going fine. Nothing to exciting to report about them. Lots of reading, but oddly, not as much as I had at UofL. German class is crazy. This week I was picked to have a conversation with a guy in front of the class where we asked each other our names, addresses, phone numbers, and zip codes. I could manage my name and address just fine, but had no idea what my postal code or telephone number was. I tried to give the zip code from the US, but the teacher thought it was my phone number in Germany. It's amazing what gets lost in translation. The German teacher also pronounces the word "verb" as "worb" and it makes me want to laugh. We conjugate worbs quite a bit.

Skype is becoming ever more popular. My grandparents learned how to use it yesterday and it was exciting to see and hear them. Skype is really an amazing program that allows people to make calls with cameras and microphones for free so it's like you are sitting across the table from the person.

This weekend I'm going to explore Bremen some more with Tankut and on Sunday, do laundry. With a dryer. Dryers are such a rariety over here so the fact I get to use one is a little exciting.

I guess that is all to report on for now.


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